Recycling Quiz

Recycling Quiz

Test your recycling IQ with these 10 questions:

Which kinds of glass are okay to put in your recycling bin? (You can choose more than one)

Which of these food items should NOT be composted?

Approximately how many times can virgin glass be recycled before it can't be recycled anymore?

Do you need to remove plastic windows from envelopes for recycling?

What is the most recycled material in the United States?

You've got an incandescent light bulb (the old-school kind) and a fluorescent light bulb (the new CFL kind that looks like a corkscrew). How do you dispose of them?

Should you leave plastic bottle caps on or off for recycling?

Which of these types of paper is okay to put in your recycling bin?

What are most soup cans made of?

Which of these items have special programs or companies set up for recycling outside the regular trash collection services?

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