How To Recycle…? The Master Guide

How To Recycle…? The Master Guide

I have compiled here all the Green and Grumpy articles that explain how to recycle common items and some weird miscellaneous materials as well so that you can easily find information on whatever type of material you have questions about.

- #5 Plastic (yogurt and butter tubs, etc.)
- Plastic Bags and Plastic Film
- Beer Can Holders (rigid plastic 6-pack rings)
- Plastic Plant Pots
- Pill Bottles
- Bottle Caps
- Styrofoam
- Clamshells
- Solo Party Cups
- Mesh Produce Bags
- Bubble Wrap


- Tea, Coffee and Cookie Tins
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum Foil
- Guinness (Nitro) Beer Cans
- Metal Bottle Caps


Miscellaneous Items

- Pens and Markers
- Light Bulbs
- Shipping Materials (envelopes, packaging, bubble wrap etc.)
- Coffee Pods (K-Cups)
- Takeout Cups
- Corks
- String Lights
- Campaign Signs
- Snack Bags and Candy Wrappers
- Contact Lenses
More Recycling Info
- Recycling at a Materials Recovery Facility – How Does It Work?
- What Do the Recycling Numbers Mean?
- How’s Your Recycling IQ? (A Quiz)
- Become a Master Recycler!
- Do I Have to Remove Labels from Cans for Recycling?
- Glass, Aluminum, Plastic – What is Better for the Environment?
- Yes, Recycling is Broken. It’s Still Worth Doing.
- Do I Need to Rinse Recyclables?
- It’s Time to Hold Manufacturers Responsible for Plastic Pollution
- Why is Plastic Recycling So Confusing?
- Does TerraCycle Really Recycle Everything?
- Why Are Recycled Products More Expensive?
Is there an item you are trying to recycle but aren’t sure how? Send me a question!