How Do I Recycle a TV?

How Do I Recycle a TV?

Can you recycle a TV? Maybe. But in many places, it’s not that easy. Let’s get into it.
First of all, televisions and other electronics do NOT go in your regular recycling bin. (PLEASE don’t put them in there.) Also, some states consider electronics to be hazardous waste so they shouldn’t go in the trash either. For instance, In Illinois it is illegal to dispose of televisions in the trash. On the other hand where I live (Cuyahoga County, Ohio), televisions and many electronics are not considered hazardous waste and you CAN throw them in the trash.
Why do states treat electronics waste differently?
The discrepancy could simply be due to some states being less strict about environmental issues. It also may have to do with the type of waste disposal used in a particular state. If a state uses incineration methods to dispose of waste, burning electronics can create some pretty nasty and toxic air pollutants. States that use traditional landfills may be less concerned about this.
For a list of states that have landfill bans on electronics waste, visit this page on the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse.
Don’t Throw Out That Old TV!

Regardless of the laws in your state, hopefully you do not want to throw your TV in the trash anyway. But if not in the trash, and not in your curbside bin, where SHOULD your old TV go?
If you read my article on recycling cell phones, you’d probably think that a television would get recycled pretty much the same way as a phone or computer, because it seems like they would have similar components. But many e-waste recyclers don’t want and won’t take televisions. Here are some disposal options.
How to Dispose of an Old TV
Resell it.
Don’t assume that your old TV has no value. There are some people who want and prefer older televisions for whatever reason. Check on some websites like eBay and Craigslist to see if anyone is selling a television like yours and what they are asking for it. (Just be aware that the asking price isn’t necessarily the price that they will actually get for it.) If you can see that any units like your have sold recently, you may be able to do the same.

Disassemble it for the precious metals.
Televisions, like computers, do contain some precious metals such as gold, aluminum and copper. I don’t know why many e-waste recyclers won’t take TVs, but I am guessing that they are either more time-consuming to deconstruct or contain a smaller amount of metals and therefore aren’t considered worth the time and energy to deal with. Anyway, if you are feeling industrious, you could do the scrapping yourself and see what you can salvage from it that may be of value. Search YouTube for how-to videos on “scrapping television for metals” and the like for plenty of tutorials.
Sell to a “Scrap for Cash” business, but beware.
If you have a bunch of old televisions or other electronics, there are companies that will take them and pay you something for the value of the metals that they contain. But do your research and beware, because some of these companies have complaints of not paying fairly. Check the Better Business Bureau, and to see if the business looks shady.
Donate it.
Check around with local non-profits that may accept these types of items. Organizations like Donation Town can help you find a local charity that may be able to find a use for your TV. (DON’T just show up at a charity and try to drop it off – make sure that your donation is wanted. Forcing a charitable organization to have to figure out how to dispose of items they can’t use is never cool.)
Offer it up to whoever wants it.
Take a picture and put it on your social media and see if anyone wants it. You could also offer it on your local Freecycle group. Someone may be happy to come and take it away.
See if your community recycles them.

My community does drop-off days for televisions twice a year. Your community may take them at a drop site along with other electronics, especially if there is a ban on sending electronics to the landfill, they should offer some other way to dispose of them. Check with your local solid waste department to see what their collection policy is or if they can recommend a certified e-waste recycler near you that will take them.
Last resort – Best Buy
Nothing against Best Buy, but this option will actually cost you money, and I’m all about not spending money if I don’t have to. But if you’ve exhausted all your other options and you don’t know what else to do, in every state (except Pennsylvania and Connecticut) Best Buy will take your old television for a fee of $25. (Although if you live in California, lucky you, the fee is waived!) Check the Best Buy Recycling page for the most current details.
Got any TV recycling tips I may have missed? Let us know!